
We are casual players who play to have fun. The point of a clan is so that we can socialize and help each other out with troop donations.
We reward those who help out and donate, and we kick those that only take up space. This set of rules aim to help us build a collegial, fun clan.
  1. Minimum troop requirement for entry is level 5 archers.
  2. Default troops: wizards, dragons, minions, and archers. Do not request levels unless for war.
  3. Donation will be monitored periodically, and reviewed against how active the player is in clan.
  4. We WAR hard, and those who can't keep up can take a break in our rest/farm clan "Farmers of Zero"
  5. Failure to follow WAR RULES may result in kicking.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Clan rules update

We added the following rules at today's clan meeting:
1. Kicking and demotions: we are maintaining the threshold at 100 donations/week to stay,and 500/week for elder. (That means 200 and 1000 by the second week.) But instead of an automatic kick and demotion, elders have the right to speak out for members not meeting the requirement. That means if you are active and friendly in helping out fellow clan mates, your contribution will be noted and recognized.
2. We added a minimum archer level 3 requirement for new entries to our clan. Existing members are not going to be kicked for not meeting this requirement, but for new recruits we ask that elders check for the new members' bases for archers before accepting requests.

These two new rules are meant to encourage active participation and to recognize members' and elders' contribution to the clan besides donations, and to keep a standard for the quality of our donations.

Clash on!

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