
We are casual players who play to have fun. The point of a clan is so that we can socialize and help each other out with troop donations.
We reward those who help out and donate, and we kick those that only take up space. This set of rules aim to help us build a collegial, fun clan.
  1. Minimum troop requirement for entry is level 5 archers.
  2. Default troops: wizards, dragons, minions, and archers. Do not request levels unless for war.
  3. Donation will be monitored periodically, and reviewed against how active the player is in clan.
  4. We WAR hard, and those who can't keep up can take a break in our rest/farm clan "Farmers of Zero"
  5. Failure to follow WAR RULES may result in kicking.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

2014 Spring Push Results, and goodbye, HL

Our Spring trophy race has been concluded with astounding results! We smashed our previous world rank record (1900) and finished #1508 in the world.
And a particular member who put in valiant effort was non other than nomilus, who, at level 82, gave our top players a run for their money and finished in the master league!
However, based on the race formula this time, the clan's strongest player Swondi has won the race fair and square!!! Congratulations!

On a sad note, as the clan has been growing healthily under the leadership of deb, I have had to make the hardest kick in my Clash of Clans playing history: HL. She had been one of the most helpful elders in the early days of DBZ, always active in dealing with clan issues and maintaining a rational voice. Unfortunately, she has been inactive since a major milestone in her life kept her busy 24/7.

I sent her away with the warmest goodbye message I can manage within the word limit, and I hope she will go to our chillax clan: Farmers of Zero and hang out with our members who are there to take a break from the game as well. 

So this is a bitter sweet night for DBZ. The clan achieved the highest world rank ever, but I had to let one of our best elders go. I do hope that she will see this message and keep in touch if she finds more time to kill on this game. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Race

Hello zerolanders!

Guess what time it is... it's RACE TIME!

For those of you who haven't been around in our previous races, you can read about our two previous trophy races here, and I came up with the original concept in September of 2013 which explains our race philosophy. Basically, to make our races fair for the lower level players, we will use a formula that give them a bonus trophy count so they have a chance to beat the top level players.

For this race, for every level difference you will get 10 trophy bonuses. For example, with my level at 95, I would have a 50-trophy bonus against Harvmister who is at level 100.

Specifically, the race formula used this time is:
  • Expected Trophy = Player Level * 10 + 1000
  • Trophy Surplus = Player Trophy - Expected Trophy
and the winner is the player with the highest Trophy Surplus.

Complete race rules:
  1. See race formula above for calculating the winner with the highest Trophy Surplus.
  2. The race will end on May 4th at 9pm PST. Screenshots will be taken and winner will be calculated from the race formula.
  3. Only members with more than 200 donations by the race end time will be eligible to win this race.
  4. New recruits who donated more than 200 troops will be eligible. 
There is a $30 prize for this race, courtesy of Queen Deb :)


Sunday, April 13, 2014

DBZ War Rules

With the recent update came what everyone has been waiting for: CLAN WARS! There are a few key rules that make the Wars very different from a regular match, and everyone should read this FAQ to get an idea. I will summarize a few key points and propose some clan rules surrounding Clan Wars.

1. A snapshot is taken at the end of preparation phase to be used as the War Base, and no further changes will affect the War Base that the enemy attacks.

2. Players won't lose any resources when being attacked in Clan Wars.

3. Clan Castle troops, traps, and Heroes are always ready to go in the same location regardless of how many times a base is attacked.

4. Each player has 2 attack chances.

5. The maximum number of stars won on each enemy base is added together to determine the total stars for each clan. This means if you 2-star an enemy base that has already been 2-starred, you don't gain any stars for the War.

DBZ War Rules:


1. Protect weaker buildings like barracks and collectors rather than storages, which are good meat shields.
2. Move your town hall inside.
3. Donate level 6 wizards for Clan Wars, and top up with level 6 archers.


  1. Lower 1/3 of players should attack enemy within the first 12 hours.*
  2. Middle 1/3 of players should attack enemy within 6-18 hours.*
  3. Upper 1/3 of players should attack enemy from 12-24 hours.*
  4. ATTACK BASES THAT YOU CAN GET 2-3 STARS, DO NOT ATTACK BASE ON GREED. Elders will watch your attack pattern and kick selfish players who attack for loots.
  5. If a base has already been 1-starred, only attack if you are sure you can 3-star it.
  6. Do not attack a base that has already been 2-starred.
  7. Do not attack a player that is too far below your level, leave them for our lower level players to try first.
*If you cannot play within your time window, you may play whenever you can. It's more important for you to use up your attacks than strictly following this order.

*Check this example for the power of coordinated attack order.

Inactive players:

1. If you don't use your attacks, you will be kicked.
2. If you don't change your base for maximum defence (eg. town hall inside), you will be kicked.

Please give your feedback or ask any question regarding this set of DBZ War Rules.

Clan Wars: Attack Order

In Divide By Zero, one of the most important War Rules is the attack order. Review the War Rules here.

Question: during the attack phase, why should top players wait till lower players try their attacks first?

Let's consider this scenario: Clan Awesome (A) is battling Clan BadGuys (B), and each clan has 10 players (A1 to 10, and B1 to 10), in the order of their strength from strongest to weakest.

Let's say that the probability of winning stars depends on the level of attacker in Clan Awesome and the defender in Clan BadGuys, and it's as such:

Chance of 3-starChance of 2-starChance of 1-starChance of 0-star
if A attacks higher level B5%5%10%80%
if A1 attacks B1-320%20%30%30%
if A1 attacks B4-630%30%30%10%
if A1 attacks B7-1060%30%10%0%

Now, let's consider two strategies: 
Strategy A is: A7-10 players attack B players that they think they can 2 or 3-star, then A4-6 players attack the remaining B players that they think they can 2-3 star, then finally A1-3 players mop up the remaining B players that haven't been 2-3 starred.

Strategy B is: A1-3 players attack B players that they are sure they can 3 star, and the rest of the team picks off the remaining B players.

Strategy A

In Strategy A, the first wave of the attack would be A7-10 attacking B7-10, resulting in the following:
The second wave is A4-6 attacking. A4 see that B7 has 0 star, so he hits it hard and get 2-stars (60% probability). A4 also pulls a lucky hit and 3-stars B8 (30% probability). The new result becomes:
The final wave is the top guns A1-3 attacking. They mop up the 1-stars from B4 and B5, and they challenge the B1-3 where they can. The new result is:
Strategy A secures 21 stars.

Strategy B

In Strategy B, A1-3 attacks the bottom players to get maximum stars.
Now A4-6 try their hands on the map, and can only challenge B7-6 reliably. They had luck on B4-5. 
Now finally A7-10 looks at the map and cannot do much further.
Strategy B gets 16 stars.
First test case of our war strategy in a real Clan War.
Strategy A was executed beautifully in our War against the XPDonators, the first Clan War after we implemented our War Rules. Early on, the enemy randomly attacked us without much of a plan. They used up most of their top players' attacks with average result.

In the beginning, our first wave of attack was done by our mid to lower range players who got many 1-2 stars from their lower range players. Our top players waited and encouraged them. As expected we had a slow start compared to the enemy, but we used only half of the attacks to score similar # of stars.

2 of 7 successful defends by King of Donuts
Towards the end, the enemy mid-range players kept failing to gain any stars from us. For example, 7 enemy players attempted to attack King of Donut but failed to gain a single star. Once we moved into the late game, our top guns were unleashed and started butchering the enemy. Because they waited till the late game, they could identify the mid to lower range players who have only been 1-starred, and 3-starred them with ease. We had power to spare, so we challenged the top enemies as well.
The last few attacks by our top players was mostly 3-stars.

The result of our disciplined, coordinated attack was a landslide victory. Of course, overall our clan was stronger than theirs, so we may have won with a free-for-all strategy. But I doubt that the victory would have been as spectacular as it was.
Final score was 85-39 stars. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Years Trophy Race Result!

On January 5, 2014, the second DBZ trophy race ended with a spectacular result: we had 5 masters, 13 crystals, and we saw an epic show-down between Uncle Masa and KNIGHT, both crashing the gates of master league at a modest level 67 and 57 respectively. MASSIVE RESPECT!

And as icing on the cake, I did achieve my personal goal: beating Harvmister :)

What's more, our clan obtained a record setting 21523 trophies and ranked #2102 in the world!!! 

MASSIVE THANKS to everyone who participated, and congratulations to **KNIGHT+ for winning the race! And a huge KUDOS to Uncle Masa for staying head to head with our clan's highest level player, and the first ever clan master, Brian!

*Because of our pre-determined race formula, Masa had to have at least 165 trophies more than KNIGHT to beat him, and he clocked in at 120 trophies, just 45 short of claiming the throne. GG TO BOTH!

List of top finishers who beat the curve and turned up a positive surplus:

player name
3BIG AL662353764
22first pump 1761872118
23I am awesome71173462.5

*Those of whom did not manage to get 200 donations by the end time did not receive a placement.

Distribution of the top finishers in the table above. 

It's a mess if we include everyone in the graph though. *cough* slackers :P 

Below is the result from this epic race: 

Once again, thanks for everyone who put in the effort! We will have another race in the future, but it's time to recharge, regroup, and beat up easy bases for big loots! 

Clash on, zerolanders! 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

New Year Trophy Race

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! T'is the season to get them trophies! We will be having a new trophy race that ends at 9pm PST on January 5, 2014. Winner will take $30 iTunes gift card!

The winner will be determined by the following formula:

Trophy count - (player level * 16.5 + 500)

Which is the trophy distribution after our last race.

If the math is confusing, it's ok. Just go get as many trophies as you can, and then some more!

Like last time, all players who have donated 200 troops or more are eligible to win the race.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Trophy race ENDS

After a little hiccup, our trophy race reached the finish line, with harv in my study, both of us beers in hand.

Trophy distribution:
And what everyone has been waiting for... the top finishers of the race...
Place player name surplus
1 deb2qt2bstr8 346
2 SelmanKara 281
3 Masa 256
4 damienbob 248
5 brian 246
6 bigbay21 237
DQ killer_J 97 213
7 Vanebfbc 174
8 zeroratio 152
9 harvmister 141
10 Houdini Man 126

Unfortunately IBRAHIM and killer_J 97 did not reach a donation of 200 by race end time, therefore did not qualify for the race.

deb will be contacted to discuss how to proceed with collecting her prize :)

Thanks for participating in this race, everyone! It's been a fun ride and definitely a highlight in DBZ history. But we have been much too starved for resources trying to survive up here in crystal, so our next race would probably be after a long rest... :)