
We are casual players who play to have fun. The point of a clan is so that we can socialize and help each other out with troop donations.
We reward those who help out and donate, and we kick those that only take up space. This set of rules aim to help us build a collegial, fun clan.
  1. Minimum troop requirement for entry is level 5 archers.
  2. Default troops: wizards, dragons, minions, and archers. Do not request levels unless for war.
  3. Donation will be monitored periodically, and reviewed against how active the player is in clan.
  4. We WAR hard, and those who can't keep up can take a break in our rest/farm clan "Farmers of Zero"
  5. Failure to follow WAR RULES may result in kicking.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Reborn from ashes

As everyone in our clan knows, there has been an incident. On July 5, a member by the name of Mr. awesome requested eldership citing that he has been an elder before, and that he should receive equal treatment as other elders who left the clan to visit other clans and came back. He repeatedly promised that he was an elder, and no one online at that time could either confirm or deny that. So hesitantly, I granted him eldership. That was my first mistake.

SNP later pointed out that he was in fact never elderly before, but I felt that I could give him a chance to see if he will meet our donation standards. That was my second mistake.
At that time, I actually thought to myself: if this person wants to sabotage our clan, this would be in fact be a very effective plan. However, I did not listen to my instinct and remove him from Our clan right away. That was my last mistake of the night.

I went to bed that night after Mr. awesome went off-line. The next morning, July 6, 2013, I woke up to total chaos. From the screenshots that HL and chief took, I pieced together the sequence of events: Mr. awesome snuck online when I was asleep, asked if anyone was online to make sure that I was not, and proceeded to kick everyone who was not an elder out of our clan. Then he spewed more profanity before he left as well. All the while, the only elder that was online was Chief, who tried his best to stop the onslaught. Unfortunately, due to his inability to demote an elder, he could only watch the chaos unfold in fury.

Overnight, our clan went from 40+ strong down to 18 elders left.

Apparently, Elder's going rogue like this was not a rare occurrence in clash of clans. Interestingly, I do not feel a lot of anger. For one, I was mostly responsible for being too nice and too trusting to allow this to happen. Secondly, Clash of clans is by design a social and human game. That means, we sometimes run into nice people like most of our elders are, and we enjoy their company and we had fun playing together. And sometimes we have to deal with delinquent players like Mr. awesome who actually reminds us how lucky we are to have the group of good friends in our clan.

I don't remember why Mr. awesome was holding so much grudge against our clan. But then again, we cannot prevent or avoid destructive players in an open online forum. What I have learned from this event was that our priority should be the well-being of our existing members. Especially the elders. To me, eldership is the executive team of our enterprise. It should be an exclusive club.

That means, when in doubt, we should postpone eldership until we are sure that the member deserves it. That also means when there is a disagreement between an elder and a member, the elders word will carry more weight.

What transpired in this incident was damaging to our clan. However, it is by no means a fatal blow to our morale. We explained to our members what has happened, and welcome them back. By this afternoon, Our clan has returned to 30+ members, and we will only continue to grow.

Let today be a reminder of how lucky we are to have 18 amazing elders forming the backbone of our amazing clan. And let us stay true to our conviction of growing a community of friendly, mature, and reasonable players who enjoy this gaming experience together.

Clash on, zerolanders!

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