We reward those who help out and donate, and we kick those that only take up space. This set of rules aim to help us build a collegial, fun clan.
- Donate first, before you request. We hate clan hoppers, and if you join and request without doing anything, you look like a clan hopper.
- Minimum donation to stay is 100 by each Sunday. If you are below this, you are prone to exile. (players with new tag on gets grace allowance of min 50 donations).
- >500 donation gets elder. <500 donation loses elder. Request vacation allowance from clan leader if really necessary.
- We do not kick people brand new to the clan. Give new comers a chance to donate and say hi. If they are still at 0 donations after a day or two, then we will say bye.
- Elders Meeting every Sunday night at 9pm PST. There we will promote, demote, and kick, and discuss clan policies.
- Donate archers, wizards, or minions, unless someone asks for something else.
If you're not luring the clan castle, the best thing to do is generally to drop a rage spell when you see them coming. This will help you kill them before they do too much damage. clash of clans hack